Opening Hours
Morning Time
Opening 6.00a.m -11.30 a m
Pakshal 6.39 a.m
Last pooja at 11.30
Evening Time
6.30 -8.00 p.m
Aarti 8.00 p.m
Sat-Sun Public holidays
Morning Time
6.30a.m-12.30 .
Pakshal at 7.15 a.m
Last pooja at 12.30 p.m
Evening Time
6.30.p.m -8.00p.m
Aarti at 8.00 p.m
Opening Hours
Morning Time
Opening 6.00a.m -11.30 a m
Pakshal 6.39 a.m
Last pooja at 11.30
Evening Time
6.30 -8.00 p.m
Aarti 8.00 p.m
Sat-Sun Public holidays
Morning Time
Pakshal at 7.15 a.m
Last pooja at 12.30 p.m
Evening Time
6.30 p.m – 8.00 p.m
Aarti at 8.00 p.m
Over the years, we have seen many around us struggle to understand it’s vast scriptures and hence running to other options. Many in the new generations have difficulty reading Gujarati..
Understanding of the meaning behind prayers, rituals, and practice will make visits to temple more fulfilling and Jain practice more relevant to your day-to-day choices and actions. We hope that participants can take what they learn through the Pathshala…

Oli Labh
Considering more and more families have started expressing their interest in taking Oli Labh during two Navpadji Oli every year, we have come up with a new process which is as…
About JCCA
Our Antwerp Jain community (Sangh) is blessed by our Guru Bhagvant Param Pujya Acharya Shri Subodhsagarsurishwarji Maharaj Saheb, Param Pujya Acharya Shri Manoharkirtisagarsuswarji Maharaj Saheb and Param Pujya Acharya Shri Udaykirtisagarsurishwarji Maharaj Saheb, and occasioned to establish an organization called as JAIN CULTURAL CENTER ANTWERP vzw (JCCA) with the objectives to construct Derasar and Aradhana Bhavan to conduct all kind of Jain Religious/Spiritual activities.